Your Horoscope For The Week Of May 7

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How did last week treat you? Here's a look at the celebrity birthdays and weekly horoscope:

Celebrity birthdays this week

May 7

May 8

May 9

May 10

  • Brittany Broski turns 26
  • Bono turns 63
  • Kenan Thompson turns 45
  • Lindsey Shaw turns 34

May 11

May 12

  • Rami Malek turns 42

May 13

Morgan Wallen, Sabrina Carpenter, Stevie Wonder, Robert Pattinson and Billy Joel are all celebrating birthdays this week!Photo: Getty Images

Horoscopes for the week of May 7

Aries (March 31-April 19): You may feel like you're charging ahead at full speed, Aries, but remember to stop and smell the roses along the way. Unless you're allergic, in which case you should probably just admire them from a distance.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Your stubborn nature may clash with someone else's this week, Taurus. Remember that compromise is key, unless we're talking about compromising on pizza toppings. That's just unacceptable.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): Your indecisive nature may be in overdrive this week, Gemini. Just remember that flip-flopping between options is only acceptable when you're at the beach.

Cancer (June 22-July 22): Your sensitive nature may be in overdrive this week, Cancer. Just remember that it's okay to cry during sad movies, but maybe not during staff meetings.

Leo (July 23-August 22): This week, you may feel like you're under the spotlight, Leo. Just remember that there's a fine line between confidence and narcissism.

Virgo (August 23-September 22): Virgo, this week may feel like a never-ending to-do list, but remember that even the most organized signs need a break every once in a while.

Libra (September 23-October 23): Your love for harmony may be tested this week, Libra. Just remember that sometimes a little healthy debate can lead to a stronger relationship, as long as you don't start throwing chairs.

Scorpio (October 24-November 21): Scorpio, this week you may feel like a detective, but remember that snooping through someone's phone is not the same as solving a mystery.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Your curiosity may lead you down some interesting paths this week, Sagittarius. Just be careful not to accidentally wander into a cult meeting.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Your practical nature may be in overdrive this week, Capricorn. Just remember that it's okay to take a risk every once in a while, as long as it's not betting your life savings on a horse race.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18): Your humanitarian spirit may be in overdrive this week, Aquarius. Just remember that it's okay to take care of yourself too, even if that means taking a nap instead of volunteering at a soup kitchen.

Pisces (February 19-March 20): Your empathy may be heightened this week, Pisces. Just remember that it's okay to set boundaries and take care of your own emotional well-being too.

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